To Stockpile or Not to Stockpile?
I admit I stockpile but I swear I have not turned my sons bedroom into a toilet paper warehouse nor have I made a new chair in my living room out of soup cans. I stockpile only things that I know we will use before the end of the products shelf life and that are always in demand in our house. Some of the things I stock pile are Peanut butter, cereal, spaghetti sauce, laundry soap and ranch dressing
Here is how I started stockpiling....With 5 people in our family we go through a lot of laundry detergent, at least one bottle a week. I was spending about $6.00 a week on laundry detergent. The brand we normally use went on sale at a local store for $1.88 and I had four .50 off coupons. I bought four (1.88X4=7.52) minus my four coupons (.50x4=2.00). 7.52 - 2.00= 5.52 OOP. I paid 5.52 out of pocket which made each one only 1.38 each and I spent the same amount I would have buying only one the week before. I look at it like this> I bought one and got 3 free:)